Fixing side covers

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The ZN is actually in fair condition for being 31 years old and, for the most part, was probably taken care of. The side covers, on the other hand, haven’t aged gracefully. There are a lot of bobbed bikes (and … Continued

Painting the gas tank on a budget

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After reading a multitude of internet threads about painting motorcycles, here’s how I painted the ZN’s tank using just rattle cans. Yeah, you really can do that—or so I’ve read—so I decided to give it a shot…both out of curiosity … Continued

Starting a bike that’s been sitting idle

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Some things have finally calmed down, including the big snow-making machine in the sky. And while there’s a break in the action we call ‘life,’ I decided to attempt the next two items…priming the tank (done; more in an upcoming … Continued

How to clean out a rusty fuel tank

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Soon, the weather in the northeast will cooperate and let me to carry on with BYOB. December and most of January were fairly mild. Of course, all that went to hell in a hand basket when I picked up the … Continued

First steps to getting an old bike on the road

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The bike’s been home three weeks now, and in between snowstorms here in the Northeast, I’ve been working towards the first major milestone: Will it turn over and will it start? Here’s a list of what I’ve done so far. … Continued

Finding parts for old motorcycles

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So, one of the first questions someone encounters when embarking on a bobber project is…how do I find parts for this old bike? Thanks to the depth and breadth of the internet, the answer is not as hard as you … Continued

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